POST HERE FIRST, THEN ADD ME or Send me a Trade Offer

If the gift is untradable, you will have to go first.

Any of the following CS:GO Keys in order of preference:

9 years ago*

I'd love Verdun, how many CS Go/TF2 keys would you want for it?

9 years ago

2 csgo, or 2 tf2 + 1 sack of gems

Unless you already have the keys, I would recommend getting cs:go keys. TF2 Keys have a 1 week waiting period before they can be traded.

9 years ago

I don't have the keys yet, i'd totally trade for 2 csgo keys

edit: I bought the keys now, ready to trade whenever

9 years ago

I guess you don't want it now?

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.