Greetings All !

I am looking for ways to offset the cost of my Humble Monthly Bundle subscription, and thought it might be cool to offer non-subscribers a way to get in on the games.

I am offering you the ability to buy the right to choose games from the next Humble Monthly release.

NOTE: You will pay/trade now, before the games list is released. This means you will have to trust me (which you can!)

Your Purchase Options

Buy The Early Unlock Game

You will receive the Game Gift Link as soon as its available to me.

April's Game: The Witness

NOTE: April's Game has already been traded, but you can buy May's game now !

Buy First Pick !

Once the game list is known, you will pick one game and I will send you a Gift Link for the selected game.

You will also have first chance to offer trades for the other games in the bundle.

NOTE: The Early Unlock game is generally not included in this option, but may be if it has not already been traded.

Choose Two, Get One

Once the game list is known, you will pick 2 games and I will send you a gift link for 1 of those 2 games.

You will also have first chance to offer trades for the other games in the bundle.

NOTE: The Early Unlock game is generally not included in this option, but may be if it has not already been traded.

Your Payment Options


You will use the Friends & Family payment option.

NOTE: My main goal is to offset the cost of the monthly bundle, so I'm not expecting offers beyond the base monthly cost.

Wish List Items

See my Steam Wish List for list of wanted items.

NOTE: Please do not post a list page - I am looking for offers from my want list, so please only list games from my list.

Steam Wallet

I can accept Steam Wallet but expect to pay a premium


I am NOT looking for keys of any kind - If you are interested, then please use your keys elsewhere to get something on my want list, then offer me an item directly. Thank you.

Feel free to post offers (or any questions).

TO RESTATE: I am NOT Looking for List Page Links -- If you want to make a game trade offer, please list game(s) from My Trade Post.

Thanks for reading and Good Luck!

7 years ago

How much to reserve 1 game of my choice?

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot what we traded.
Still not looking to pay that much for just one choice, sorry :/ Good luck!

7 years ago

How much for "Buy First Pick !" ?
I have verified Paypal, both € and $ currencies :)

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

If no1 else buys games from the list before it's released.. will u still sell them under the same price/rules after its released ?

7 years ago

Great question.

For the Early Reveal game: Yes - You can still buy the Early Reveal after its been announced - The risk is less but you are competing with more people, and also competing with buyers who have purchased the early reveal game from me in the past, who I am likely to give priority to.

For the standard games: No - Once the games list is known, then the risk is just all mine, vs being both of ours. If I have all the risk, then I'm taking all the (potential) reward.

Thanks for asking !

7 years ago

Thanks for ur time and clarifying, by the moment I'll pass.
Free bump :)

7 years ago

I can offer iO from your WL + 2e PP for first pick, or 1.5e (or iO + 1e) for second pick/choose two thing.

7 years ago


Sounds like you're referencing Euro? I will be expecting USD for payment so we may need to look for a conversion.

I could offer you the pick/choose for $3usd or $2.75usd + IO (its lower on my want/value list)

Depending on conversion we may not be far off.

Thanks for asking and lemme know if you're interested !

7 years ago

It's an okay offer, but I think I will pass it. The reason is that because of my taste in games, I'm more probable to want some of the "cheaper" indie games than the "most expensive" hidden unlock which everyone else crave for, so I might be better off trading them for keys or something here (especially if the new monthly is something like recent months). Thanks anyway and good luck with your bundle sharing quest!

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.