2 years ago*

you need a paid subscription to get it for "free", hence it isn't. there is no issue with trading it for some cheap bundled game that you paid for

2 years ago

this ^^

2 years ago

You can get it even with free trial subscription so it's completly free but I think you know that well.
People here doesn't want cheap bundled games but big titles because. It's. FALLEN ORDER! :)

2 years ago

you can get a free trial once, then you need not just another email but credit card as well.
anyway i don't feel bad trading my copy, i paid about 40 euros for my copy of fallen order.

2 years ago

you can get a free trial once, then you need not just another email but credit card as well.

It's not problem at least for me.

Of course you don't feel bad getting something for nothing.
I just warn people to do not trade valueable games for it. Many people pretend it's something because Star Wars thats all.

2 years ago

lol are you really this stupid or just ignorant? i fully agree with the hate towards retraders who somehow abuse the system and trade the keys in bulk 10s and 100s of keys, dunno how, don't even wanna know. it's even worse with giveaways where there are limited numbers of keys.
but if you think i should feel bad about wanting to trade my second copy of a game which i paid for, you should think again

2 years ago

It's not about YOU jesus christ, you think I created thread to makes especially you feel bad? You don't have to look for excuses.
I said i just warn people around about it. If you instantly need to call people stupid or ignorants you should think agin too.
Hope you get something for it. Bye

2 years ago

alright then. peace

2 years ago

Hi Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Orde for games https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/gDWG7/h-games-x-w-games

2 years ago

Learn to read spamer I don't offer anything

2 years ago


This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

2 years ago

Maybe no but when I see scammers who ask 10€ 15€ valued games for their Star Wars key it giving me cancer. I don't know why on this page everyone trying to rip off or scam each other. (not only with Prime games but literally everywhere with everything)

2 years ago


This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago.