I have...

Trading cards

I want...

Game gifts or games from bundles. (If it is a bundle game you will have to go FIRST !)

I am buying games for random trading cards. If your game is from a bundle (key, website link etc.) you will have to go FIRST !
If you want to offer and you agree to the terms please leave your offers in the comment(offer) section. Do not add me on steam before writing here, because I decline all random friend requests. Thank you.

8 years ago

Magna Tsunami
Under zero
Glass wing
for card

8 years ago*

I could give you 4 cards for Q.U.B.E

8 years ago

add to trade sorry I didn't receive message from it

8 years ago

Do you still need Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut?
I also have some other games, added to discuss.

8 years ago

Not realy interested in any of the games, sorry.

8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.