k so this guy added me and asked for bo2 n offered me alot of keys including guild wars 2. i said no and after a day we accepted to trade my Natural selection 2 for his guild wars 2 key. he was asking the game first, i told him that i have more rep so no. then he said that he'll give me key in trade window... i showed him ns2 and he sent me the key, he quickly press ready thinking that i'll not confirm key... when i checked, it said - "Serial Code Already Registered". i told him to f**k off. he deletes me. link to his profile - http://steamcommunity.com/id/DatWater/ i'll be uploading pics soon... btw how do i take pic of steam chat window?

Edit: First time encountering a scammer so plz help me getiing him banned from steam rep

idk hoe to capture the full chat box but here is wat happened and yeah i dont have a steam name -

JustAddWater: Hi!

JustAddWater: So I was wondering if you still want to consider the deal

JustAddWater: I'll even include a copy of Torchlight

JustAddWater: So are we still down?

JustAddWater: ?

‎‎‎: srry was in game

JustAddWater: It's fine

‎‎‎: n srry again cuz i got an offer for bo2 of 27keys.... but i can trade natural selection 2 for guild wars 2

JustAddWater: Okay

JustAddWater: We can do that

‎‎‎: 1 sec lemme grab it from other acc

JustAddWater: Alright

‎‎‎: k till my laptop boots up... how is guild wars 2? is it like wow and pay every month?

JustAddWater: No

JustAddWater: It's one time purchase

JustAddWater: And you play unlimited

JustAddWater: And I already purchased it

JustAddWater: So you just enter key

JustAddWater: And you can play

‎‎‎: k, so do i enter key in steam?

JustAddWater: No

JustAddWater: You go to the Guild Wars 2 website

JustAddWater: And then create an account

JustAddWater: Then you input key

JustAddWater: Then you will get downloader

‎‎‎: k, so u give key first right?

JustAddWater: No, we decided that you would go first

‎‎‎: we didnt... i got more rep.. done deals with paypal too

JustAddWater: Okay fine

‎‎‎: k 1 sec

JustAddWater: I'll give you code in the trade

‎‎‎: k

You have accepted the trade request from JustAddWater.

JustAddWater is now Offline.

JustAddWater is currently offline, message cannot be sent.

1 decade ago*

NIce one ;)

To take a pic, you press the prtsc button (usually above the "delete" button) then open Paint and press Ctrl+V, then save it ;)

1 decade ago

ahh ty :)gnna report him on steam rep

1 decade ago

Np ;) can you post the screenshot here as well?

1 decade ago

Install program like ShareX - you make screenshots of whole screen or selected area with hotkeys. It automatically upload them on selected image hosting and paste direct link into clipboard. It also adds possibility of sending any file - txt (to e.g. Pastebin), data files (Dropbox, etc.).

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.