I have...

I have a lot of cards, mostly incomplete sets, but i have a lot of sets for CSGO

I want...

i want cards, at the moment im not really into selling cards for just backgrounds, emoticons and stuff like that

Same Set Cards

My 1 for Your 1 (if both mine and your cards are from the same game,my CSGO for your CSGO)

Different Set Cards

My 1 for Your 1.33 (If they are cards from a different game. my L4D2 for your CSGO )

  • Something is any trading card, emoticon, background, any cheap csgo gun, 4tf2 weap, 2scrap, or any other 0.03 item on the market. Something is only for adding on top of your cards, i dont like to trade cards for just more of something :) i mean i dont want to trade cards for just emoticons

if you want my 1 card you are paying your 1 card + something
if you want my 2 you are paying 3
if you want my 3 you are paying 4 (best deal for you)
if you want my 4 you are paying 5 + something
if you want my 5 you are paying 7
if you want my 6 you are paying 8 + something
if you want my 7 you are paying 10
if you want my 8 you are paying 11
if you want my 9 you are paying 12 + something
if you want my 10 you are paying 14

Calculator (how to calculate the number of cards to give/take

  • if you WANT X cards from me, you need to PAY X*1.33 cards (x is the number of cards you want)

  • if you PAY X cards, and can TAKE X*0.75 cards from me (x is the number of cards you can pay)

example if you want 17 cards from my inventory, you need to pay 17*1.33 = 22.61 = ~23

example, if you have 55 cards you can take 55*0.75 = 41.25 = ~41

Send me a trade offer here :)


✓ Any questions, post in the profile comments, or send me a message even if im offline ill reply
✓ Or add me to my main profile Igor Dot Ninja
✓ I visit this profile couple of times per day (even if it says im offline, im not always offline)
✓ You can add me, i accept everyone (except private profiles)
✗ Don't ask me for free stuff (sending me a blank trade offer will get you a scam report)

✓ Duplicates are OK
✓ Any Normal Cards OK (no foil)
✓ I will tell you if you are giving too much
✗ Don't exploit (don't send me your cheapest cards for my most expensive)
✗ Attempted Trade scams will be reported
✗ Don't ask me for free stuff (sending me a blank trade offer will get you a scam report)

Why do you want more card then you give

  • I need to make a profit to continue card trading
  • You are taking what you need and giving out random cards
  • When you sell your cards and buy the ones that you need
  • You can offer cards from free games, i don't mind.
8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.