Hey there. I currently need 2 Awesomenauts copies. I don't care if they're gifts or Humble Bundle keys (as long as they work).

I'm willing to trade 1:1 for the Puzzle Bots key I have. For the other copy, I can offer Paypal, TF2 items (refined, keys, hats, whatever) as long as the price is right.

Keep in mind that I can easily buy this for 1 TF2 key a piece. Offers above that value will simply be ignored. 1 TF2 key offers will be considered, but I doubt I'll take them.

Send me a friend request if you have a copy for sale. Thanks.

Bought so far: 3.

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

We sorted it out. :]

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.