Have you ever traded tf2/dota2 key for humblebundle links on this site? If so, I hope you can check your humble link now, maybe it's revoked already!

A few days ago I traded tf2 key with a Israelite and 8 hours later I found my key page missing. And he never explained why.

So I contracted humble support and they said the trader uses fraudulent creditcard/paypal to buy multi humble bundles, so all the humble links get revoked. I don't know whether steam will revoke the cdkeys I activated already, but I think it will raise the chance of account ban. Could never imagine that somebody dare to exploit chivalry!


Hope this is not a callout.

steamaprofile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/hahahahmaor/

steamtrades profile: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/maor/

I recommended everyone who get scammed give negative rep on his profile

1 decade ago*

Some people... Bump

1 decade ago

I have a similar problem, but the trader doesn't have the page key and he blocked me when i asked him for it, im not sure if i should post the screenshots here and call the trader out, or is it against the rules. I hope steam doesn't remove the games, i'll contact humble support and ask them, there can't be much more harm does, can it?

1 decade ago

Don't worry, that useless rule doesn't apply here. Post any information you have about this guy, it's important to prevent further fraud.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.