Looking for 2 copies of Rogue Legacy.

8 keys for both!

Add me if interested!

1 decade ago*

How about a copy of Saints row: The Third full package (incl ALL DLCs) for 4 keys? xD

1 decade ago

no but thanks

1 decade ago

At it's lowest sale price, two copies of Rouge Legacy were $22.
8 keys is around $17.
Considering Rogue Legacy is also very new, and didn't have a deep discount, most people wouldn't have bought up copies to trade.
So, you're not going to have a lot of luck trying to get them for 8 keys. Maybe, MAYBE, you could get two copies for 11/12 keys.

1 decade ago

lowest i can make then is 12 keys for x2

1 decade ago

how about just cause 1 and assassins creed 2 deluxe? for 8 keys

1 decade ago

civ 5 = 8 keys

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.