Selling Landmark gifts for the following prices:

Trailblazer pack: 8 TF2 keys or 10 DotA2 keys

Explorer pack: 5 TF2 keys or 7 DotA 2 keys

Settler pack: 2 TF2 keys or 3 DotA 2 keys

Game is NOT region locked. Can sell in bulk up to 10 gifts at once with a discount.

If you ever want to buy any Steam games for lower prices - ask me and will tell you the price in keys and whether the game is region locked or not.

I will not trade for real money, PayPal or any other currency other than keys.

My steam profile

9 years ago*

hi i want landmark settlers key for 2 tf2 keys i added you

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.