6 years ago*

Or you can get it free on Humblebundle yourself. Why not keep it for yourself?

6 years ago

There are so many things wrong with this "offer".

  1. Giving away free games is against SteamGifts rules
  2. This isn't a trade offer.
  3. This is straight up just advertising.

Come on lad, you've got 12 rep, you should know these things by now.

6 years ago

and you know ? the giveaways game can't get point either.

6 years ago

I guess tomorrow it'll be a paid game again, and still my giveaway will end after that, so at that time, it'll not a free game anymore.

6 years ago

It doesn't matter, SteamGift will update it and remove every point from it.

So feel free to gift it, i don't see why people are complaining about that.
You'll get point now and in 1 week or so when they update it they'll remove everyone's point with that free game, they do this every time.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.