I was just scammed by a user named DaDudeMan, who also goes under the aliases #Siondude, NunuCarry, TwistedFate, AceOfHearts,AceOfHErats,AceOfCluuubs, AceOfSpades, DasBones, and Sogeking. I gave him a just cause 2 code supposedly in return for Arkham City GOTY, but instead he insisted that I give him another game code or he wouldn't give me the game. When I challenged him, he blocked me. BEWARE.

1 decade ago*

can u give link to profile pls.. so we won't get victimized.

report him to steam rep.

1 decade ago

Been a while since I've done this, could you remind me how to find the his id?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.