I have a bunch of trading cards that i can trade for other trading cards

✔ This profile is a bot, it will auto accept or decline :)
✘ No Free Stuff (bot will decline the trade)
✔ Mobile Auth is enabled and working
✔ Send a trade offer not a trade invite

✔ You can give me your duplicates even if i have them, take my last card, any card can go

Same Set Cards (giving and taking cards are from the same game)
✔ Equal Trade (1:1 proportion) example 5TF2 + 3CSGO for 5TF2 + 3CSGO
✔ Bot will auto accept same set trades

Different Set Cards (giving cards from one game and taking from the other)
✔ You need to give the same amount or more cards then what you are taking
✔ You need to give at least 1 cent more per 3 cards (valued by the sold value on the market)
✔ Bot will auto accept most of the trades (some trades will be up for review)

Steam Trade Matcher - This will match your duplicate cards with mine (fast and easy 1:1 trade)

Trade Offer Link (its a bot it will auto accept or decline )

8 years ago*


This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

im not sure if i understand, The bot will visit the market and check euro price on both sides :) (is that what you are asking?)

i think its fair :) that only applies to different set cards, (if you want tf2 card and you are giving csgo card)

so if you want a 0.06 card you need to give 0.07 card

lets say that you want 10 cards, and the total sold price of the cards that you want is 0.60, you need to give 10 or more cards with the total sold value of 0.61 or more :)

a dude traded 5 for 5 cards a while ago :) he gave 0.28 and took 0.27, i think thats fair, you get the cards that you want, and are trading the ones that you dont want

im looking the sold value because steam takes a big fee on cheap cards, and people are trying to get rid of them :)

First time i started trading with cards people exploited the rules, they were giving their cheapest cards for my most expensive, one guy gave me his 50 cards of 0.03 full market price. for my 50 cards of 0.15, i declined and modified the rules a bit, then i modified again and again and again. :) i think that is the most fair rule i have :D

If you have any more questions, or ideas, i want to hear them, please reply :)

8 years ago


This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

yeah im doing it for the badges on my other profile :D

i know about steamcardexchange, but its hard to trade there :)

:) tnx

8 years ago

its better if u post your http://www.steamtradematcher.com/ link, theres a script u download that trades your duplicated cards for others duplicated cards and same set http://www.steamtradematcher.com/res/userscript/stm.user.js

8 years ago

Thank you :) i know about it, im using it. it is really useful, i will add my steamtradematcher link in the thread

8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago by a staff member.