I have...

TF2 Metals (Scrap, rec, ref)

I want...

ALL TF2 Trading cards

I'm buying the TF2 trading cards at 1 scrap a piece. Leave a list of the cards you'd have to trade below in the comments or just send me a trade offer. https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=86327067&token=ikuCjVU5

9 years ago*

I have some Steam Wallet cash
can be used to purchase some (not so much amount of cards) TF2 Cards

but.... how much metal, would ya like to trade me per 1 TF2 Card
xhank you time :)

9 years ago

I'm buying them at 1 scrap per card.. up for negotiation though. :)

9 years ago

TRADED Thanks!

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.