Would do any of the title trades 1:1.

If you would like to work something else out, I also have: Bastion, Rush, L.A. Noire, Alpha Protocol, Sanctum, Flatout, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, Anomaly, Quake 4, Hoard, Hydrophobia, Dota 2, Eye, and Empire:Total War.

and I also want [W][TF2] the Buccaneer's Bicorne, Vuvuzela noisemakers, and the Bonk Boy from Tf2 and
[W]Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, and more copies of Rayman Origins

Friend TempoMan on steam if you want to trade.

1 decade ago*

Any combination from here for Generations?

1 decade ago

Ac:B for Sonic Gen

1 decade ago

Anything or posiible combos for LA Noire?

All Tradeable Games:

Hard Reset

Just Cause 2 w/ Prima Guide

Portal Bundle

Supreme Commander

Hydrophobia: Prophecy

Nation Red

Time Gentleman Please! + Ben There Dan That

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.