I have...

Steam RoW gifts:

Bioshock Triple Pack (Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite)
Borderlands 2
Super Meat Boy
The Ship

Spare Humble games (can gift link):

Max Payne
Majesty 2 Collection
Killing Floor
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm
Citizens of Earth
Euro Truck Simulator 2

Steam trading card sets (change regularly)

I want...

TF2 keys / items
CSGO keys
PUGB keys
Steam RoW gifts

Trading some of my spare and unwanted! Ideally after TF2 keys, but happy to consider offers as above. I also trade in steam trading cards so if that is something you are interested in let me know as happy to try to sort out a trade involving those.


6 years ago*

Nothing in the list thanks.

I'd do both for either the Strange Spec KS Ambassador and Doublecross-Comm from TF2 or the FN StatTrak™ PP-Bizon | Osiris from CSGO that you have in your inventory?

I'd also be interested in trading cards for your TF2 items if you prefer

6 years ago

It makes me happy but i doesn”t have mobile auth in that acc

6 years ago

Did you want cards for items, or the games for one of the options above (or both)?

I’m happy to work with a trade hold if you are?

6 years ago

Im too happy accept on steam to discuss

6 years ago

How many cards for FTL: Faster Than Light?

6 years ago

I trade away cards for things in my want list as I already have sources where I can get the ones I like. I’ve seen someone else buying FTL for two keys, so I’d be happy with that

6 years ago

Hi there, looking for GTA: Vice City and GTA III. I forgot to buy them when they were in the Humble Bundle.

Do you accept normal games-for-game trades, or ONLY keys and items? I ask because they're not quite worth a key currently and I recently got rid of my mobile app (keep forgetting authenticator resets every time).

I have tons of games available here if you happen to see something you like that feel reasonable.

6 years ago

Hey - really sorry, they got snapped up! I thought I'd replied last night on my mobile just before bed, but I must have managed not to post properly :/ Hope you find them from someone!

6 years ago

Hi, 2 TF2 Keys for Borderlands 2?

6 years ago

Hey, thanks for the offer - but I know I can offload it on certain bots for just over 3 TF2 keys so you would have to beat that I’m afraid!

6 years ago

Hi, thanks for the offer, but nothing there for me I'm afraid!

6 years ago

Hi 1 key or any of the tf2 items in my inventory for euro truck sim 2? I can offer jalopy for it

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.