Add me if you agree to the price.

Feel free to offer other games and TF2 items, but primarily looking for Keys/ref.

Can also accept LoL skins if I don't own them.

From events, I already have:

  • K9 Nasus
  • Riot Graves
  • Arcade Sona
  • Arcade Hecarim
  • Riot Blitzcrank
  • Full Metal Rammus
  • PAX Sivir
1 decade ago*

how many trading cards for it?

1 decade ago

Depends entirely on which cards they are and what value on the steam market they hold. Feel free to make an offer.

1 decade ago

Check my inv
Something like that ones

1 decade ago

Hey, Civilization V for one copy ?

1 decade ago

I already have Civ 5, thanks though.

1 decade ago

Something from here ?

1 decade ago

No thanks, I have most if not all bundles

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.