Trading cards are obviously medium of trading. But how the "random" cards price suppose to be? There are cheap cards like L4D2, 1 card just for around 0.080.1 USD; and for Eryi's Action, There is a card named Chikobo worths about 0.30.5 USD! I don't really know what value of someone's "random" card is. By the way, I saw a topic that featured Super Sanctum TD for 55 random cards. If I use the minimum of a card's value 0.08 to calculate, it will be around 4.4 USD, even more expensive than the regular price 3.99 USD. That doesn't make any sense.

1 decade ago*

to me, random value means about 8-9 cents. its pretty much expected to be the minimum value of card prices. Random is just a nice and misleading way of saying 'im selling my cheapest shit'.

also when you sell a card for 8 cents, you dont GET 8 cents, valve takes a valve tax on your sale. if you used a .08 cent sale as an example, you would get about .06 from the sale... .06x55=3.3

also people are idiots, they think because cards are free, their value is irrelivant and will often overpay... ie: people who ask for an outrageous amount of cards for 1 tf2 key... all they see is the KEY! (bright! shiny! ooooo); they dont think about the combined sale value of their individual cheap cards.

1 decade ago

So the prices on market are tax-included. OK, thanks for your detailed answer, sir! I'll trade my cards carefully.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.