Finally, another giveaway~

After a few weeks of derping around, I might as well start another one.

If you don’t know how this works, then let me explain it for you.

Down at the bottom I will have a list of games from Humble bundle and the amount of keys, you are allowed to choose 1 game of your choice and either add me, or post a comment in the thread of what game you want and I can get back to you. Or you can do both (makes it a bit easier for me at times.)

However, I do have a few rules that you need to know/follow.

"Da Rules"

  1. Love me.

  2. Follow rule 1

  3. Once you get the key, I must ask you to NOT LEAVE REP ON STEAMTRADES. I understand you would like to repay me, but it can lead to other issues down the road.

  4. Please don’t get a key and just resell it, I want to give it to others who actually want to play it or are legitimately interested in the game.

  5. Please don’t switch to a different account and ask for more keys, I had it happen on several occasions and I won’t tolerate it.

  6. (Involves rule 4) Don’t ask friends to get you more keys…yes I had it happen as well, and it’s a bit sad to have people do that. HOWEVER. You can link friends and other people to the thread or have them add me if they actually want anything and want it for themselves, not for you to get more games and be greedy.

That’s all I really have to say, if you have any other questions then ask them either chat or in your little post below.

Number of Keys (Please check what keys I still have before asking for a game)

Aquaria: 9

Fractal: 8

Organ Trail: Directors Cut: 7

Stealth Bastard Deluxe: 0

Weekly Bundle:

Shank: 9

Shank 2: 0

Eets: 0

(If there isn't a game of your choice, it's possible I will buy more within a few hours or a day or so.)

Common questions I get:

Q: Why are you doing this and how?

A: I enjoy seeing others happy, and it gives me something to do. I don’t see why I shouldn’t try to make others happy (even if they do have flaws, but so does everyone.) As for how, it just comes out of my paycheck every week.

Q: When do you do these and why not on Steam Gifts?

A: It depends, I try to do it weekly or every other week depending on my $ amount or if the bundle is any good and not just one key. As for why not Steam Gifts, it’s because I’m just a rebel against society~

Q: Can you stay on my friends list after the key is given?

A: It depends, if you like to chat or want to play a game or trade or something…then sure, if not then I don’t see the point. I dislike having a big friends list and usually delete the people right away or after the giveaway.

1 decade ago*

not asking for anything, just wanted to say that I really appreciate you doing these giveaways. You're awesome! :D

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

you're not first sorry. :P
EDIT: sorry. you EDIT so i EDIT now. lol

1 decade ago

It's fine :P
Just 1 sec late

1 decade ago

organ trail please.

1 decade ago

i will win :DDD

1 decade ago

Stealth bastard plz <3

1 decade ago

shank 1 or 2 please <3

1 decade ago

<3 you so much! Can I have Eets?

1 decade ago

Shank please :)

1 decade ago

<3 :) can i have eets? :) (there is another one with Booker DeWitt user picture but we aren't friends xD)

1 decade ago

Thank you mate! :D, do you think i can have Stealth and Fractal? Best regards and thanks for the opportunity :), :3

1 decade ago

Thanks for Fractal mate! :D, GOOD BLESS YOU! :DDDDDDDDDD

1 decade ago

i love you :D here's a hug

may i get sealth bastard ? ;D

1 decade ago

First off, thank you for doing this <3 May I have Stealth Bastard?

1 decade ago

I love you sooooooo much!
Can I have Eets please? :D
EDIT: Received. This guy is awesome!

1 decade ago

I followed number 1 and will follow it forever. I wish to receive Stealth Bastard or Shank 2 Please. :)

1 decade ago

Stealth bastard and I wub u <3

1 decade ago

Stealth Bastard Deluxe or Shank 2 and I would wub u with my whole life

1 decade ago

shank 2 will be nice <3

1 decade ago

Stealth bastard deluxe please <3 :D -- I added you on steam xD

1 decade ago

could i have Stealth


1 decade ago

wow, you're very kind! I'd like to have/play Stealth Bastard Deluxe please!

1 decade ago

OMIgash! THis ish Da COOLisht! Can I haz Gamez!?!?!

1 decade ago

Mind if I could get Organ Trail?

1 decade ago

Again, I give you free bump for your kindness.

I pass, because there are many outthere who ned games more than I do.

1 decade ago

I would like a copy of Eets if still available, thanks!

1 decade ago

If there's a copy of Fractal left that'd be awesome.

1 decade ago

Organ Trail if you have any left please

1 decade ago

If you still have a copy of Eets, I'd like it please :) And by rule 1, I <3 you

1 decade ago

I'd like a copy of Organ Trail if you still have one left. Thank you!

1 decade ago

This guy is awesome!!

1 decade ago

Organ Trail: Directors Cut please.

1 decade ago

Thank you :)

1 decade ago

Can I get a copy of Shank please?

1 decade ago

Thank you for being a top bloke!

1 decade ago

Hello, I would love a copy of the first Shank game if possible :)

1 decade ago

Want a copy of eats

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.