Hello and welcome to my thread !

  • I am selling my Team Fortress 2 keys for $1.85 each and my CS:GO keys for 1.9$.

    My conditions are :

            - you have to be verified
            - you have to send the money as friends/family
            - you pay fees

    IMPORTANT!!! - The way i buy keys is, you send me the money on paypal, i buy them from my friend and give them to you, so i can trade only when my friend is online :)

  • Note, this is my steam profile, please check who are you trading with in case of impersonators.


CS:GO keys : ~100

TF2 keys : 100

1 decade ago*


EDIT: Thanks for the trade! :)

1 decade ago

Trade done, thanks !

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Trade went smooth, thanks !

1 decade ago

Have ~100 keys in stock :)

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Accepted :)

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Sorry we couldn't make a deal.

1 decade ago

!!!!!WARNING!!!!! He says he will go first than proceeds to create an entire story about how needs need you to go first and that he is essentially just a middle man... He MIGHT be legit but that sob story of his is definitely very suspicious and obvious scammer behavior. He claims that he needs to pay his friend beforehand and that he doesn't have any money on his paypal so you have to go first so he can pay his friend. Apparently his "friend" doesn't trust him with any keys, yet he expects us to trust him with our cash? He only has 25 games (most of which are free or indie games) on his account and his account is less than a year old. He has several banned scammer friends according to steamrep some of which he has deleted just now after I called him out on it. I didn't want to give him the benefit of the doubt just to see him scam me so we parted ways but this guy is definitely shady, probably waiting for the right "amount" of incentive to get himself labeled a scammer. Don't fall for his story, MAKE SURE YOU GO FIRST!

1 decade ago

You added me knowing that you have to go first. This is not a story, i buy keys with the money you send me, buy them from my friend and re-sell them to you. Please do not listen what this guy says, i just traded with a guy with 49 +rep for 100 keys and he went first, here is the proof . I told you if you don't want to trade you don't have to, i wasn't forcing you but you kept saying i was a scammer. Please don't try to ruin by business and go on with your life, thank you. I have friends with 200 + rep who can state for me that i am not a scammer so please don't be a kid and move on.

1 decade ago

I can confirm, I bought 20 TF2 keys from him and payed with paypal first. Everything went smooth.

1 decade ago

No where in your conditions do you say you want people to go first and the first thing I asked when we were talking is that if you mind going first since you have less feedback. You agreed and than proceeded to tell me a story that you needed me to go first? My requests were reasonable. Your methods on the other hand are questionable. Wouldn't be an issue if you simply posted telling us we had to go first because you need the money to buy since you are just a middle man who apparently only has $3 on his paypal and your supplier apparently doesn't trust you with keys.... I wouldn't have wasted my time adding you. Everything I've said is true. How can I ruin your business by telling the truth? If me telling the truth is ruining your business maybe you should change your methods?

1 decade ago

I said i will go first with 1 key because i only had money for 1 key, it's not my problem you can't read. I said i can go first with my 1 key i have. So please don't talk the "truth" here because you don't know the truth. I have buyers who trust me and i trade with them, if you added me just to tell me that i'm a scammer then move on.

1 decade ago

I posted the proof about my trades so i won't waste my time talking to you anymore, goodbye.

1 decade ago

I can confirm he is not a scammer. I payed first for 100 keys... It was a better trade than the trades i have with people that actually have the keys. It is just a business strategy. In order to not waste money, he buys on demand. Nothing wrong at all! Totally can vouch for this guy!!!!

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

I didn't receive your friend request.

1 decade ago

I don't need keys at the moment, but when I do I can never find anyone that sells them cheap, can I add you on steam for the future?

1 decade ago

Sure !

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Adding you

1 decade ago

Adding for TF2 keys

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Didn't get your request.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

added :)

1 decade ago

Have added you for some TF2 keys!

1 decade ago

Added for 10 TF2 keys!

1 decade ago

added for 4 tf2 keys

1 decade ago

i just bought for 100 keys and he blocked both of my accounts.

1 decade ago

I am sorry but i don't remember adding you, i listed on my thread that be aware of impersonators, i just did a little investigation and it turns out you traded with an impersonator, here is his profile : http://steamcommunity.com/id/milenkolukic , i just reported him and he got a trade ban.

1 decade ago


i've contacted my lawyer, i have enough time to sit this out, even if you are in another country. ^^
because it's a matter of principle!

you still can contact me any time and discuss it, i am open to everything and really patient.
in the meantime i will contact all people on your friendlist and all new ones.
i also did a steamrep report.

aswell i have your PERMA ID it does not lie,
and enough prooves and enough other people that you betrayed too.

1 decade ago

you even dont try to prove that you are not guilty.
you tell the people "i don't want to explain" of course you don't WANT. ridiculous.
you even do not answer my mails to talk.. so what else should we all think?

1 decade ago

another proof that it was you
how do you explain it? left side directly logged in at the steam client (where you blocked me) right side the chrome chat with time that was still cached i guess. and the desktop time atm!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.