8 = 3 bundle left
9 = 4 bundle left

2 TF key + 1ref or paypal $5.5 or other bundle or other key or game gift or other offer
If game or key must I don't have.

games what I have. below.

If you want multiple bundle. my wish list below

$9.99 game = 2 bundle $14.99 game = 3 bundle $19.99 = 4 bundle $24.99(include lucius) = 5 bundle

basic method trade. If you want my gala key link first

1.you will be clean your steamrep record. my steamrep below

2.you should be more game($) than my account.(over $5000) - my steam cal-below

3.you should be more than my rep(25). and more than 10 good +rep in your profile. -click reny steam profile. than you can see my profile page.

If you not I'll take your game first. If I scam. go to steamrep and add me to scammer If you scam I'll do same thing. please add me. :D http://steamcommunity.com/id/renyz/home

1 decade ago*

Are you interested in The Ship Comp. - 2 Pack Gift [you get 1 aditional gifr after activating] ? :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.