I have...

3 CS:GO Keys (Breakout, Phoenix, Vanguard, etc...)

I want...

$5.7 WMZ on Webmoney + fees to send to other user

Hi. I'll try to be clear.

I want $5.7 WMZ (you pay fees) on WebMoney of course.

You can choice the CS:GO Keys: Breakout, Phoenix, Vanguard, eSports, etc...

And I'm sorry but, I don't go first. So nothing of scammers.

Reputation clean: http://steamrep.com/search?q=NachoRC18
My steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/nachorc18/

Add me for trade :)

9 years ago*

5.4wmz add me if agree

9 years ago

I need the money so... Ok. Added.

Edit: No patience = No trade. I still have the 3 Keys, looking for other user.

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.