Offer me here, I will not go under 4 keys, will accept 5 keys automatically:

1 decade ago*

when you say you won't go under 4 keys, does that mean that 4 keys are fine?

1 decade ago

It means that you can always offer 4 to 5 keys, but if you offer 4 keys I won't accept it right away. I will wait a few days and see if someone is gonna pay 5. People usually sell a key of this game for 6 keys, this one is a gift version, which makes it even better, I think i'm gonna have a 5 key offer eventually anyways.

1 decade ago

ahh. that clears it up. thank you for replying and thank you for not being passive aggressive like most traders would be when they aren't offered exactly what they want. i'll send a trade offer and wait.
oh and free bump!

1 decade ago

Thank you! I'll take yours if no one offers more than 4 keys in a few days. ;)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.