I have...

ROW Tradable Steam Gift

Virtua Tennis 4

This game is not available via steam store anymore.

I want...

2 CSGO Keys

Only price I accept is listed price, I'm not interested in other games, also please do not add me as I ignore almost all friend requests, use trade offers to trade with me.

Send me trade offer via my steam trade offer link:

Link removed as trade is done and this thread is closed.

After trade I will find your profile and +rep you and I would appreacite if you +rep me back.

Thanks !


My review of this game:

This is best tennis game you can get on PC it is really fun to play on both single player or online, if you are fan of tennis, sports games then you should have and play this game.
Port is good, very good performance, game graphic is beautiful. Online is pretty active.
Game is not available on steam store anymore, and sadly this is most likely last Virtua Tennis game, there won't be VT5 as Sega now focuses on mobile games only, so if you want good tennis game or you are collector or you want to invest (price will probably rise as time goes on) now it is good time to get this game for still very cheap price of 3 keys.

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.