HI All,

Want to ask your opinions ?

A person contacted me on steam asking if I would trade COD MW 4 for his tf2 back pack? Which was quite impressive?
The only problem was he was unable to trade on the account , due to the account been hacked.

He wanted me to give the game first and then when he is able to trade he would give me the stuff.

I have checked his steam rep and its clean.

When trying to change trade with it him it said , the user is on a trade ban, but nothing is mentioned on the profile
I did say to him , if he was wanting the game he could use his second account and give me the login details for the first account so I could change password to make sure I was not scammed , he was not happy with this?

Any advice would be great ?


1 decade ago*

If it's too good to be true stay away especially if he has a trade ban

1 decade ago

I agree.

1 decade ago

A certain quote comes to mind: "Sometimes it's better to miss an opportunity than to invite disaster."

1 decade ago

thank you guys , feel the same just wanted to check if I was been to harsh.

1 decade ago

Can you link me to him?

1 decade ago

How long the trade ban is? did he tell you?

1 decade ago

he said for 2-3 months while steam sorts out his account been hacked

1 decade ago

I would do it on a secondary account because yolo :P

1 decade ago

i think you should wait until the trade ban resolves.

1 decade ago

Don't do this. The risk is way too high.

1 decade ago

I agree, I said when he is able to trade then we can talk but not going to take the chance of loosing anything , thanks again guys

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.