Never tell your password to anyone.
Thursday, January 03, 2013
4:37 AM - Hinn: hey
4:38 AM - Greyyfox: heya
4:38 AM - Greyyfox: whatsup
4:38 AM - Hinn: guud
4:38 AM - Hinn: i offer yo la noire, chivalry medieval, payday heist or thq collection for max payne 3 or alanwake franchise or deadspace 2
4:39 AM - Greyyfox: they gifts or keys>
4:39 AM - Hinn: gifts
4:40 AM - Greyyfox: k, i'll do chivalry+ for deadspace 2, THQ collection+la noire for max payne 3
4:40 AM - Hinn: ok fine thats deal
Hinn has accepted your request to trade.
4:41 AM - Hinn: thq collection and la noire are keys
4:42 AM - Greyyfox: is it the humble bundle thq?
4:42 AM - Hinn: nope
4:42 AM - Greyyfox: the one for sale on steam right now?
4:42 AM - Hinn: yes
4:42 AM - Greyyfox: k
4:42 AM - Greyyfox: keys first please
4:42 AM - Hinn: sorry no
4:43 AM - Greyyfox: dude you better not fuckin scam me
4:43 AM - Greyyfox: keys, and they best be legit
4:44 AM - Hinn: im not trading with keys, sorry
Hinn is now Offline.

1 decade ago*

Can you show photos or smth ?! (not only cope/paste). Do photos thats prooves he is not IMPERSONATOR, give link to and steam profile he was writting from. There is many scammers at the moment, so THEY ARE NOT DUMB, cuz they want FREE games and with every atempt of scamm they get experience. They uses other users (who has good rep) nicks, so always, I REPEAT ALWAYS MAKE SURE AND CHECK EVERYTHING, especially when you tradin keys.

P.S. Sorry for your lost, I hope you wont be scammed again ;)

1 decade ago

i dont get what happended

1 decade ago

what happened was he was supposed to trade me 2 keys, and started entering em, and then stopped as soon as we traded gift copies. he got away with max payne 3 gift for free,, then went offline and blocked me.

1 decade ago

always keys first!

1 decade ago

if you were able to trade it or gift it to him you can try asking Steam support to get it back. That's how I managed to get back Max Payne 3 and Sleeping Dogs from a scammer and Borderlands 2 from another scammer.

1 decade ago

It happens :/

1 decade ago

Tried to scam me but I found this thread... thanks!

1 decade ago

He offered me Max Payne 3 and then opened trade window and put in max payne 3... then he was waiting for me to put a key and after that he would delete me from steam... managed to write on his profile that he is a scammer

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.