Hey all,

I have a Far Cry 3 code to get rid of. It's for the Ubishop so I will give you the key to register at www.amd.com as you need to provide your own details to get your product key sent to your own email.

I would like to trade for Steam (key or gift):

Aliens Colonial Marines
Call of Duty MW 1 & 3
Dead Space 3 (Origin)
Mass Effect 3 (Origin)
Doom 3 BFG
Call of Duty Black Ops 1

If you'd like to make an offer, please post here first and I will add you as friend on Steam if I like your offer.

I would accept Paypal but would prefer to trade.

If you have ZERO feedback, you will need to provide your key first in exchange.

Thank you!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.