hey all, i have a spare copy of the ship complete pack (SP & MP)
and also a key for Space Pirates & Zombies (and bounty hunters) for Capsule (a games client similar to steam).

Note: If youd prefer, the SPAZ key can be traded in for a steam key if you contact the dev team of SPAZ via their website & explain you recieved the key through Green Man Gaming, as i did this with my copy & it was replaced with a working steam key with no hassle, check my profile if youre hesitant, its up to you, just throwing it out there.

i also am willing to trade anything from my tf2 items.

Im after a trade for gatling gears, hotline miami, iron brigade, renegade ops, red orchestra 2 or iron front, for a few suggestions, if not, make me an offer.

thanks very much.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.