I have a lot of games, but have a few games left over from bundles trying to get rid of, plus a few % off inventory items for games that I have no interest in. Really open to any offers, these games and coupons are doing nothing for me, so open to any offers for games that I don't own. Thanks.

Bastion - Bundle Code

x2 10% off Shadow Warrior - steam inventory item

65% off Cities in Motion 2 - steam inventory item

10% off Toki Tori 2 - steam inventory item

1 decade ago*

i want ur darksiders http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/ilz9R/h-bundle-leftovers-w-taking-offersbundle-games-games-keys anything here or tf2 items in my inventory i have a ref a esport case and 1.35 in wallet make it reasonable plz

1 decade ago

I have all the games that you have on there, and I don't play TF2. If you have any games that I don't have I'm willing to trade, but I'd rather not get another item to have to trade again.

1 decade ago

you want nothing off the market i do have 1.35 or u just want games in general

1 decade ago

I would rather get a game of some sort that I don't have, not asking for anything huge by any means, just don't want something I already have and would have to trade again.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.