I realize these have little value at this point but I already had Crysis 2 from the steam sale and I am not really interested in The Sims, so I am putting them up for trade. I'm not real picky so if you have something on my wishlist then chances are I will go for it. Also as I noticed is the norm around here don't add me on steam or anything unless we agree to something on this thread. I'm new to trading so I have little rep but it should be pretty apparent by the games I am offering that I do have them since they aren't exactly rare after the Origin Bundle.

I am interested in some bundle games

Race Injection
GT Legends
IL-2 1942
Two Worlds 2

1 decade ago*

I'm looking for the Sims 3 pack, anything from these You'd be willing to trade it for?

Broken Sword: Director's Cut | Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror | Cave Story+ | Chains | Elven Legacy | FTL | Home | Patrician IV Steam Special Edition + Rise of a Dynasty DLC | Saira | Sol Survivor | Tiny Troopers

1 decade ago

Sorry for the late reply, went so long without a reply and this fell so far I assumed no one was biting. Unfortunately I'm not really interested in any of those. I do appreciate the offer though.

1 decade ago

Any of these for The Sims 3?

  • Alien Hallway (steam key)
  • Depths of Peril (steam key)
  • Paranormal (steam key)
  • Warlock: Master of the Arcane (steam key)
  • Zombie Shooter (steam key)
  • Zombie Shooter 2 (steam key)
1 decade ago

Sorry unfortunately no, if you had anything on my wishlist it would be a deal.

1 decade ago

Interested in something but just want to make sure, I am offering FarCry 3 Blood Dragon, not the Farcry 3 which going by your thread seems like what you want.

1 decade ago

FarCry 3 Blood dragon on Steam, right?

1 decade ago

No Uplay version of FarCry 3 Blood Dragon as stated in my topic title and in my opening message of the thread.

1 decade ago

eets munchies steam key or mark of the ninja steam key for farcry 3 blooddragon? i also have some cards and some steamgifts but idk if id pay steamgifts when the FC3BD key is free and alot of ppl sell it for a dollar x3

1 decade ago

Not interested in either of those. I know none of these really have much value but sometimes one mans junk is another's treasure so someone could have something that I want that seems worthless to them. Though honestly at this point if someone offered a couple TF2 keys for all I them I would probably take it.

1 decade ago

Are you interested in Metro 2033?

1 decade ago

Sorry, have that one already.

1 decade ago

Is there anything of interest here that you would like in exchange for FarCry3 Blood Dragon? please and thank you :)
Oh, and just to clarify this.. you say the game does not work for "US" residents?


1 decade ago

It will work for US residents if you use a proxy for the activation, I don't know all the details to doing so but likely easily found information. Unfortunately nothing in your offer interest me, I have all the origin items and not really into the others.

1 decade ago

Would you take TF2 items worth 1 key for the Blood Dragon?

1 decade ago

Hi, Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon for a bundle (keys for Steam) from Humble Bundle containing : Metro 2033, Risen and Sacred Citadel. Add me on steam or reply here if interested. Thanks !

1 decade ago

Someone wanted to trade for this a few days ago, however they were never able to get it to activate it is a uplay coupon code basically that makes the game free when you purchase from the uplay store and is likely to only work in europe or if you change your store to the european one which can be done. I can't really test it myself without actually activating it so I can't guarantee it will work. Your choice though, add me if you want to give it a go, if it works then we trade if not then I will most likely take down the offer as it is likely going to cause problems in the future.

1 decade ago

Added you to try it. See you soon !

1 decade ago

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY (steam key) for Far Cry 3 bd uplay? this is the only key that i have from the bundle. i can add 2 trading cards . add me if you are interested.

1 decade ago

focus bundle non-bta(6 games) for sims 3 ?

1 decade ago

Would have went for it had I not have bought that bundle myself.

1 decade ago

Closed 8 years ago.