
I need some Keys and i don't want to lock my market for a day to get them, so i thought that i can buy a game and trade it for keys.

I need about 4 or 5 keys, TF2 or CSGO, also DOTA2

If you are interested tell me which game you need and i will consider you offer, obviously i'm not gonna pay 15€ for a game and trade it for 4 or 5 keys

In any case, if interested add me on steam or post here :)

P.S.: Sorry but i may have been a little unclear on my trade, i don't need Game Keys (Licences) but TF2/CSGO Keys, hope it's clearer now :)

1 decade ago*

Insurgency game?

1 decade ago

Sounds good, how many keys can you pay for that?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.