Hello everyone.
Im selling alot of "Minecraft premium key's".
They are LEGIT from official minecraft site.
 I sold alot of those key's, like 25+ there will be not problem for it, I heard about other guy's which sell's "minecraft key's" and after 1 week your account get banned, those key's are not from those. So no worryes, i use myself same key.

                 ~~~~What I Want~~~~

I want other game's, key's from dota2/tf2/cs:go or trading card's. 
Offer me here, or add me directly at steam.
1 decade ago*

selling minecraft cd key add me

1 decade ago

As I remember Minecraft keys're for 20€. So why should some1 buy game valued at 20€ and sell it for 3 keys which're worth ~5.5€?

These keys're legit? I don't think so.

1 decade ago

Yep they are legit, i sold like 45+ and no one have problem, so keep ur commentary for u, 50% from them i sold for 5-6 key' and for 8-9$ Euro at Paypal.

1 decade ago

Even 9€ isn't enough so why should I keep my opinion for myself? If there's any way to get them cheaper (for example. bulk discount) You should mention about it.

BTW. so, ummm... if You have sold 50% of them for 2x hgher price why are You selling them for lower atm? Nonsense...

Cheap Minecraft keys were always suspicious.

1 decade ago

Expect your minecraft premiums to be revoked eventually if you deal with this user.

1 decade ago

Minecraft Premium for $6 pp?

1 decade ago

Don't be an idiot.

1 decade ago

Haha there is no revoke/ban/deactive.. i sold alot key's and no one have problem's, i use myself same key. And they key's are 100% legit

1 decade ago


" i sold alot key's and no one have problem's," You've scammed allot of people, and nobody has had issues YET.

1 decade ago

Okey, i saw this as i see no one from my buyer's had problem like those, and the key's aren't from credit card's(stoled) they are legal key's from trusted guy, he get those key's cheap and i sell them cheap, where is the problem? If someone get banned/revoke/deactive he gonna report me here or somewhere other, and as i say i sold 50% from those key's for 5-6 key's +cs:go weapons(skin's) so I don't think it will have problem for those key's. I dind't scam no one i sell minecraft key's from like 1-2 month's in other forum's.

1 decade ago

I don't care what your price is, how many you've sold or how "Trusted" your source is. Start spilling the beans, and showing us your source, or your word is in serious question.

1 decade ago

What i need to do to proof u im not scammer.

1 decade ago

Explain who your source is, how he's "Trusted" and how you know him. Other then that, there's nothing you can do. It's impossible to sell "Legit" codes for 3 keys, as I described in my thread. So unless you'd like to say you hacked Mojang and generated a bunch of codes, I simply can't fathom how you can sell them for 3 keys. Can you tell me how these were acquired? I mean you keep pointing to your "Trusted" source, but if you can't even tell me how your "Source" gets it, then how do you know it's not a scam?

1 decade ago

I know my "source" from real life, he work in firm in my country for game's, he get 25% off and he get the key's for 15$, and i pay him in other thing's. U want other thing's to know about my little business?

1 decade ago

I cry bullshit. If you want I'll contact someone affiliated with mojang to prove that this is in fact yet another lie.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.