I have...

Idle Service; can run games almost 24/7.

I want...

Games with cards to be idled (cannot be a game that I already own)

What is an idling service?

An idling service is a way for you to get the card drops from a game you have a spare copy of. Rather than having to try to sell your extra game keys or games you don't ever see yourself running, you send me the game key and I will run the game until all cards have dropped. I will then trade you all of the dropped cards at zero charge.

What's the point?

I get a game added to my account that I didn't have before, you get every single card the game drops with zero effort on your end; it's a win-win.

How fast should I expect the service to be completed?

Games generally take about 3 hours to have all of the cards drop. If you send multiple game keys with cards, I will wait until all of your games have been idled to send all of the cards in a single trade. Unless there is another user I'm idling for or it's one of the rare cases I cannot start idling, it could take longer, but it generally shouldn't.

What about games without cards?

As there is no card drops from these games, there really isn't a benefit to idling them. If there's some sort of tradable currency or items in a game that can be idled, I'm fine with doing that for some period of time, but that'd have to be discussed. Otherwise, you should not send me games without cards, as you will have simply donated me a game at no benefit to you.

What sets you apart from other idle services?

I've previously idled over 100 games for users with no issues or complaints. Any in-game drops obtained during the idling period will be traded to you along with the cards. There is zero fee for this service; I will never ask for any sort of payment to idle your games.

Check what games I don't have:

Steam Profile:

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.