I really want to get the newest Arkham game, but I'm unable to get steam funds until tuesday.
I am offering 8 TF2 Keys (worth $20), and want the full game and the season pass (sale price $15).
If you can buy me a STEAM GIFT COPY and hold it for a few days, you get 8 Keys


1 decade ago*

only have Arkham Origins.

1 decade ago

Close unnecesarry topics to keep clean site.

1 decade ago

just buy it from here http://dispenser.tf/?page=2&s=arkham%20origins&t=

still plenty for sale for a lot lower then 8 keys, im sure theyll still be there tuesday.

[edit] oh this topic is already 2 weeks old.. why bump it? oh well good luck anyway XD

Have Fun :)

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.