Keep in mind, the Saints Row IV Season Pass, unlike what the name implies, doesn't include all DLC to be released. All it has is an extra weapon and two mission packs, one of which is yet to be released.

Only really looking for TF2 or Dota keys and metal at the moment. One key equals 6 ref.

Feel free to add me if you agree to the price, even if I don't have them in my inventory at the time. I can buy them any time.

1 decade ago*

Do you still have Of Orcs and Men?

1 decade ago

Hmm, I'm afraid the sale just ended so I can't get for that price anymore. If I still had a copy in my inventory I could, but unfortunately I'm all out. Sorry.

1 decade ago

Would you be willing to sell the season pass for paypal? If so how much?

1 decade ago

Sorry, can't accept Paypal due to all sorts of nasty fees on international transactions. But since you're using Paypal you could buy keys cheap and trade these with me, I suppose.

1 decade ago

do you still have papers please?

1 decade ago

Yeah, I can get more any time.

1 decade ago

What games frome here would you want for Papers Please

1 decade ago

Sorry, I already have them all.

1 decade ago

I can offer you 3 TF2 keys for Papers please, if it is a gift.

1 decade ago

Sorry, too low.

1 decade ago

Anything here for Papers Please?

Also, I might be able to get my hands on 4 Dota 2 keys if you're interested? For Papers ofc.

1 decade ago

Not interested in the games, sorry. But I could sell Papers Please for Dota 2 keys. Even tho TF2 keys are currently worth more I would be fine with 4.5 Dota 2 keys. If you don't have refined metal because you don't play TF2, you can pay 5 keys and I'll return 3 ref.

1 decade ago

Ok, I'll get back to you once/if it get the keys.

But I gotta ask 'cause I'm bewildered by the whole key-thing. I'm browsing Community Market and the Treasure Keys (which I ASSUME is what ppl mean by keys) vary in price all the way from 10€ to 1€, so is it irrelevant how rare a key is when trading?

1 decade ago

There's like a million keys for both TF2 and Dota 2, each one varying in price according to ye olde supply and demand.

Unless they specify otherwise, when people say TF2 keys they mean the Mann Co. Supply Crate Key ( ), and when they say Dota 2 keys they mean the standard Tresure Key ( ). Usually the Dota 2 key is worth a bit more, but shake-ups in the prices happen, like now.

These are the most commonly traded ones so they're the main currency in trading and are the most stable in price. Currently a TF2 or Dota 2 key is worth about 6 refined metal. Dota 2 doesn't have a more smaller currency akin to TF2 metal, unfortunately.

1 decade ago

Thanks for comprehensive reply :) I didn't get the keys I was supposed to so can't trade for them at the moment.

1 decade ago

I can offer this for Papers, Please. :)

1 decade ago

Sorry, not interested.

1 decade ago

Got my hands on 3 TF2 keys + 1 Dota 2 key, deal for Papers? I'll throw in Faerie Solitaire if it helps my case.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.