Hi, I have tradable copies of the following games:

Company of Heroes
Magical Drop V
Septerra Core
Angry Birds Space

Some cards and backgrounds which you can check on my steam inventory.

If you wish to trade keys I'm trading over at another post (Such as Sword of the Stars, Worms, Vessel, McPixel, A New Beginning, Space Aliens and Zombies + much much more), if you are interested follow this link. DO NOT OFFER ME KEYS FOR GIFTABLE GAMES.

I do accept TF2 keys.

1 decade ago*

Well... I do have everything but oblivion, ona a side note read as follows:

1 decade ago

Hi, I'd like to offer $1.50 for Magical Drop V. What do you think?

1 decade ago

New Games Account Call of Duty Ghost/Battlefield 4 Ceap Price, If you are interested Please Contact me

This is my shop.. Please take a look.

1 decade ago

How about no

1 decade ago

I deleted the last comment, because of your behavior. I decided to look for the game elsewhere. Please fix your attitude if you want anyone to trade with you.

1 decade ago

I DO NOT WANT TO TRADE WITH YOU, I've said it countless times, you are a fucking asshole who got his lunch money stolen and are constantly harrassing my posts, I DO NOT WANT NOR AM INTERESTED IN TRADING WITH YOU.

So go fucking look elsewhere I made it clear you wouldn't be getting it here, righteous fuck my ass! You are a dude with issues, you didnt like my first reply, then go fucking away, you don't post, erase and repost the same fucking deal again and again and then with the same "better than thou" attitude with which you simply didnt erase the comment, you had to reply, you are an asshole. You think you are "making a stand to unkind people" but... you are simply trolling, being rude and a prick, also an asshole.

I have to repeat myself a lot to you because you clearly can't take a hint, I'll maintain my report towards you for stalking and inspirating hateful replies, have every rude post you made backuped because according to you "I'm not nice".

If you were really that smart you would have stopped replying 7 days ago, but you wanted to troll, so... here you are being "righteous". You wanted me to be nice? I'll say it nicely, go fuck yourself ;)

1 decade ago

In other words, you wouldn't trade the Magical Drop V game? That's all you had to say... no sense in acting like a lunatic.

1 decade ago

I have said that, lot's of times, you kept on erasing and re posting

1 decade ago

This is the bad reputation you have:
"Mendacious (2 weeks ago)

In case my previous negative wasn't clear. This member incessantly messages me - sketchy and irrational. Attempted to coerce me into trading my gifts to him at ridiculously low prices."

You deserve it and many many more, it clearly states the same issue I'm having here with you stalking me, righteous prick. You have issues mate, very deep ones which you don't even seem to realize. Do a favour to us all, try to be smarter and kinder than you think you are and demanded we all are.

1 decade ago

I do not deserve that, stop being mean Yugo. You are not a very nice boy. That's false rep. Please fix your attitude so people can trade with you.

1 decade ago

You do deserve it, it's the same fucking thing you are doing right now, you just don't even get it... which is kind of sad.

1 decade ago

I have +67 people who have given me reputation, good one, I don't need to fix anything, you are an asshole and you have definitely issues of some kind, you are the one who keeps replying on MY thread... who do you think needs to fix attitudes?? Last reply, do whatever I'll just ignore you from now on, if you can't realize your fault in here... I won't waste any more of my time, do us all a favour erase your reply and move on.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.