I have...

Tap heroes
Loot Hero DX
Invisible mind
Escape This
Russian SuperHero
Good archer
Starushko Lub

BoneBone: Rise of the Deathlord
Jumping tank
Survival driver
Arcade tale
Ball of light
Last hope
The janitor
Lost moon
Syberia 2
Cloud Knights
Defend Your Life
A Bird Story
Really big sky
Gun Monkeys (+1)
Afterfall InSanity
Memories of a Vagabond
The note
Head Shot
Detectives novel
Mini attack submarines
Road Madness
Torch cave
No turnung back
Dirt Showdown
The deer
I of the dragon

Make War Not Love Bundle 3 (Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops, Viking : Battle for Asgard)
Beast blaster, zombie boom, cyborg detonation
GooCubelets: OCD + GooCubelets + GooCubelets: The Void
Unforgiving Trials: The Space Crusade

Withering kingdoms dlc (arkan war)
Darksiders II: Van Der Schmash Hammer DLC
Darksiders II: Rusanov's Axe DLC
DOMO DLC Black Sheep

I want...


7 years ago*

i dont understand how to use that staf

7 years ago

just register on website indiegala and post your game(STEAM keys) in trade menu
it s very safe for trade game 1-1 in indiegala just try so EZ
see on trade meno in left menu on website see my post you will get it
how to use trade in indirgala

7 years ago

ok i offered 2 games. u take them? if so, how me to see it?

7 years ago

Indiegala you cant trade for profit than 2-1 / 3-1
indiegala good for trade indie game 1-1
for someone had same game same keys 2-3 same game
go register in website and use my libraries > trade library>post your game in website
and wait someone trade with you
its safe than you trade in steamtrade

7 years ago

i give u not 2:1 just 1:1 for ur 2 games check it

7 years ago

ok sir i will sent my offer in your post game 2
2 post games you see that already trade with someone in website
wait my new post or you post in website

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.