I have...

See my inventory (stuff like Call of Duty Ghosts Gold Edition and World at War W, Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Complete Pack, LA Noire Complete, State of Decay with expansion, Counter-Strike Complete - Aug 2012, 7 Days to Die 2 Pack, Space Engineers, Euro Truck Simulator 2 Gold, etc, whatever, I don't play anymore - well except GTA5 :) ), choose any combination you think is fair (if it's a direct trade)

I want...

Steam (ROW) gift or RGSC (ROW) key
TF2 or CS:GO keys (second option so I can trade them with someone offering GTA and wanting only keys)

In case of RGSC key offer: YOU GO FIRST so I can test.
In turn I'll guarantee a deal in your favor.
(Can be online mostly during the evening GMT / CET)

8 years ago*

How many of the games would you do for Five? I would consider trading it for your 2x 7 Days to Die, plus a few more.

8 years ago*

Hi, depends on the "few more", hit me with an offer.

8 years ago

Let's say the 2x 7 Days to Die, 2x CS Complete Packs, and 1 of each: Space Engineers, LA Noire, State of Decay, Age of Empires II HD. I know it might seem like a bit much, but I think their worth (sale price) is not far off.

8 years ago

Don't worry it's OK, I don't plan to play with them.
CS Complete is just like the giveaway I just created: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/HFwYB/counter-strike-complete

8 years ago

To be honest I'm not super stoked for any of the games, but if you are willing to do something similar to my offer above, I would probably accept. I might ask for a few modifications at the time of the trade, since I'm still thinking about the specifics. I will add you on Steam tomorrow so we can negotiate.

8 years ago*

Then no thank you, I value a gentlemen's agreement more than playing a game, and I don't prefer to trade with people who constantly change their minds, trying to get more and more (even in the last seconds) - they never turned out to be trusted trade partners.
Thanks for your time though.

8 years ago*

I just wasn't sure if you accept the trade or not, that's why I said that we can adjust a few details before the actual trade happens. From my side a trade like that is definitely fine as I said. You say you value the agreement, but there was no agreement, I simply made a suggestion to see if you find an offer of that volume acceptable.

8 years ago

Sorry, I already wrote (even after you yourself admitted it might be too much) that it's fine, OK, don't worry, then you suddenly became not so "super stoked" about the things you (again, yourself) asked earlier, that you might ask for a few modifications, that you are still thinking about the specifics, want to negotiate, et cetera.
There was no reason to ask me for a "similar offer" that you would "probably accept" - how could I offer anything better than you, yourself had asked, provided unconditional, free choice?
If I would be genuinely unsure whether or not the other party accepts the trade or not (even though it was stated that it's accepted, but let's assume I want confirmation) I would just simply ask.
In my book if one party unconditionally agrees to another's terms that's an agreement (if that's not an agreement then I don't know what is). But OK, let's conclude we didn't reach an agreement, and I take my words thinking that we did, back - it only was my assumption.
Anyways, sorry for being so boring and a bit long-winded, and taking your time.

8 years ago

No worries, have a good one.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.