I have...

6 Tf2 Keys

I want...

PS Plus: 1 Month Membership (Valid ofcourse) redeemable in the USA since it's region locked there.

I will only trade with you and shall ONLY go first IF you have an excelente reputation on steamrep.com, steamgifts.com OR on any other trustworthy sites that tell me you're a dependable person. If you do not meet these requirements then you'll have to go first with the exchange and just trust me, otherwise i will not trade with you.
Also please do not try to pull off a stupid stunt on me like trying to imitate someone with a good trading reputation, won't work on me.

You may add me if you wish to discuss but i'd appreciate it if you'd comment first then add me, that way i can know that you're from this particular website and not some random guy.

7 years ago*

hi i have added u to talk
@edit: nevermind, mine is not longer available

7 years ago*


7 years ago

added to talk

7 years ago

Might be able to help, I'll add you to discuss

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.