So I want to trade some of my cards for a doujin bundle.And about the cards here is the list:

Awesomenauts - 7cards(Clunk,2xCoco nebulan,Raelynn,Genji,Yuri,The Awesomenauts)

Dark Fall Lost Souls - 5 cards(2x Rusty Shackles,Broken Dummy,Missing Child Poster,Shangri-La)

Defense Grid - 5 cards(Join the fight,Flyers incoming,Is Something Burning,2xThere's Something New Coming)

Organ Trail - 8cards(The Horde,2xConcept Art,3xDerpy Clements,Action Clements,Survivor)

all of them for a groupees doujin bundle

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.