if you are a russian trader that is interested in trading with me when the sale comes on add me i will buy in bulk

8 years ago

if you need canada store regin free add me

8 years ago

can you link me to the CA store and tell me how much do you take per 10 copies of a game and per 1 need to know your prices

8 years ago

idk how i must give you ca store link but you can check price some games on steamdb , some game here cheap but not cheaper than regin lock , some game here cheaper than other row store

8 years ago

added you just in case i will check the prices once the sale starts ))

8 years ago

Unfortunately, russian games cannot be activated/played in other countries anymore, but Canada/New Zealand do. So if you want to get cheaper games, try that. Hope I helped, cheers!

8 years ago

thanks but i know there is a glitch in the russian store to get games unlocked bud

8 years ago

Be careful with that sort of thing. If it IS a glitch in the system, I wouldn't touch it personally. Valve will sometimes punish things like that harshly, even if you had no clue something was wrong, for example just in the last few days a bunch of people with Gone Home had their copies taken away, with no explanation and no refund. If you purposefully take advantage of a glitch, you could end up as one of the people who suddenly has a bunch of their games disappear on them one day. You'd probably be better off doing things legitimately through a Canadian/New Zealand store, because even if the price is higher there's no serious risk involved.

8 years ago

Thanks for the advice never knew valve punished the glitch

8 years ago

all guys what write for this thread have right russian gifts have lock

8 years ago

i know bud but there is a glitch to buy them unlocked

8 years ago

what it is? :) because i have russia friend i will write about it

8 years ago

no idea what it is but a while back i had two traders one from ukraine and one from russia that knew what it was i can't find them on my list anymore this is why am searching for a new trader ^^ but am pretty sure there is a way out there no idea if steam caught on to it and fixed it tho.

8 years ago

when you does this trades?

8 years ago

about 6-7 months ago i was away from games trading for a while maybe more than that.

8 years ago

Out of curiosity, were you maybe referring to this? (For the record, not a Russian trader myself).

8 years ago

I'm here

8 years ago

added bud ^^

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.