I have...

10 Keys CSGO

Chroma 2 = 10 Keys

I want...

2$ or 1,8€

RULES for Paypal trades:

  1. You go first (Or I go first if you have more +rep than me in steamgifts.com)
  2. Buyer pay fees. (Send as "Family and Friends") (In Europa there is no fees)
  3. You must be Paypal verified
  4. You must not be tagged as a scammer or having ban status on steamrep.com
  5. You will add notes to the transaction -> Purchase is for virtual items in CSGO, and because of its nature, no items were physically shipped, but have been confirmed and received. -- steam name -- steamID64 link --
  6. Comment here and then add me on steam
8 years ago*

Closed 8 years ago.