Looking for a spare Saint's Row: The Third Steam Key from the THQ Humble Bundle.

(*Please bear in mind that Saint's Row: The Third was one of eight games that were part of the BTA bundle which was gotten for just under $6, so best/most reasonable/most realistic deals are the ones I will consider)

Not rationally expecting it to be quite as cheap as it was had I purchased the bundle myself, but also can't see it being too unreasonably expensive either.

Please post offers here to work out trades before adding me. Thanks! :)

1 decade ago*

Keep in mind that SR3 was the only BTA game for most buyers, so it actually is the bulk of the cost. 7/8 games could be gotten for $1, but SR3 cost an extra $5.

I can sell it to you at cost ($5)

1 decade ago

Of course :) Although from all the info I had read on it, I was under the assumption that Titan Quest and Warhammer 40K Dawn of War were only part of the BTA package. When I got the non-BTA bundle, I did not receive those three titles (SR3, TQ, and Warhammer). If I was mistaken, my sincerest apologies for the mixup. Either way, I really just wanted to minimize/advert the possibility of things like $10+ offers in advance in order to save time. Thanks, nonetheless!

1 decade ago

Titan Quest and Warhammer 40K were non-BTA for those who bought the bundle in the first week. If you bought late, then they weren't included unless you paid over the average.

1 decade ago

Ah okay, gotcha. Thanks for the clarification :) My mistake. Well, I guess I'll either have to hope that someone comes along who bought the late package and is willing to let it go for cheaper... or, yours is the current B/O :D Thanks again! :)

1 decade ago

5 bucks is the best offer your going to get just saying

1 decade ago

Yeah... looks that way. Wasn't looking to lowball anyone... just did the math and thought I was on track with what I originally thought about how the BTA bundle worked. With the Amazon THQ Bundle, it ended up working out to something like $1.31 per title, so I thought that might be an option also. Oh well :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.