I have...

$50 US PayPal

I want...

Games That I Don't Have (which will add a +1 to my steam game library count).

Whoever gonna make the maximum number of games offered (say 100 or 200) will get the deal.

You can check the games I've here, and if you've a barter profile, you can shuffle out the games that are having the "plus 1" tag, and which i don't own. It's simple and easy.

My Barter Profile - https://barter.vg/u/3594/l/

4 years ago*

Can Barter filter out limited games?

4 years ago

yeah, it can filter out, there's a separate filter name "plus one" which can list the games which will add +1 to your game count on steam.

4 years ago

180€ worth uplay acc, can sell for 40$ paypal
10 games for one.

I will give first to you since you have more +reps and I'm negative still. Choose one of these 2 links & offer something.

4 years ago

Thanks for the offer but I'm not interested in UPLAY accounts or games (since I've them all)

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.