I have...

Resident Evil 4/5/6 Packs x1

I want...

7 TF2 Keys for the pack

Packs are giftable, become tradable for me in 8 days so can wait til then if you dont feel confident in going first. Will go first if you have a rather high amounts of trades done. Apologies still new to trading and such.

9 years ago*

Are you interested in trading any of those packs for games?

9 years ago

Was hoping more for keys, so could put it towards GTA

9 years ago

I can totally understand that. :)

Well, if you still have any left once you get GTA, feel free to contact me.

9 years ago

12 CS keys for 2?

9 years ago

Apologies, sold out of them earlier.

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.