i have a steam account of which i am offering, last week i made my friend a steam account and purchased him arma combined ops so that we could play dayz together, today it appears he has blocked me on facebook and attempted to login to my email in an attempt to change the email.

i have now changed all the details for the steam account, and i am offering it to anybody who has an offer for it, maybe you have a friend you want to play dayz.

during the trade process i will give you all the steam information required to stop me from using it so you feel comfortable
(email,password, everything) you may then change all that so that i no longer have access to such

it may seem fishy that i have a steam account, and the trade scheme may seem fishy, but i dont want to have my money wasted, if you can think of a better trade scheme that makes you feel more comfortable please say

i will give the information and allow you to change everything before you send me a gift, or whatever your offer is.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.