I have...

Agent Awesome


Blackbay Asylum
Canyon Capers
Cataegis : The White Wind
Chompy Chomp Chomp
Cobi Treasure Deluxe
Commando Jack
Gold Rush! Classic
Gun Metal
Horizon Shift
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Incoming Forces
International Snooker
Ionball 2: Ionstorm

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi
Numba Deluxe

Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime
Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds
Pixel Puzzles 2: Space
Platypus II
Realms of the Haunting

Slipstream 5000

Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
Terra Lander
The 39 Steps
The Culling Of The Cows
The Dark Stone from Mebara
True Bliss

Pixel Puzzles: Japan
Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ
RADical ROACH Deluxe Edition
Speed Kills

Uriel's Chasm
Uriel's Chasm 2: את

hack_me 2
Space Pilgrim Episode 3: Delta Pavonis
Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri

I want...


I'm giving away these games for free. Some I already have in my library, others are not my style and I don't see myself playing.
I've tried to trade them for some time but with no luck so I might as well give them away to someone who will actually play them.
I do not want anything in exchange but feel free to give sth back if you feel like it :)

Hit me up and tell me which games you want.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.