Sorry if this is considered spam, but someone with a steam name of "Blazzer" stole a couple of keys, and then proceded to block me. Not sure if he has a Steam Trades profile, but he most likely found me through it. Just a heads up.

1 decade ago*

thanks dude for the topic...

1 decade ago

report him on

1 decade ago

u need put he's profile i think..

1 decade ago

Lol, he added me maybe 2 hours ago, already knew he was a scammer, just deleted him.
You should've checked and saw that his account was made just yesterday.
Although he is a scammer, if you post a trade on SteamTrades, have the person who added yo upost on their to see their rep.

1 decade ago

21:28 - Blazzer: heyy want to trade?
21:28 - DopeFish <°(((><: hi. sure, what do you need ?
... removed, so I don't bore you with details ...
21:33 - DopeFish <°(((><: can you link me your steamtrades profile, so we can see who has more rep, so that the person with less rep can go first?
Blazzer is now Offline.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.