And on top of that the little fucker had the nerve to put a comment on my steam profile saying "scammer"

Never tell your password to anyone.
NotSoFast: hey
killahcrackrock162: Hey
killahcrackrock162: I'm willing to trade L4D2 for Bioshock Infinite
NotSoFast: oh hey
NotSoFast: but mine is steam activation key
NotSoFast: is it ok for you
killahcrackrock162: doesn't matter it's a good deal
killahcrackrock162: love that game
NotSoFast: yeah realy cool game but i didnt play it yet
killahcrackrock162: you're going to have to go first, since you don't ahve any rep and usually keys go first...
killahcrackrock162: what's that?
NotSoFast: here is my proof and not going first since igot scammed from this forum,vylke7l#0
NotSoFast: sorry wrong link
killahcrackrock162: well i've beem scammed too , my first trade a guy stole Dirt 3 from me
NotSoFast: yeah i hate this kind of people
killahcrackrock162: i already have the gift window open , i don't scam people because i do trades all the time and i don't want any bad rep
NotSoFast: are you intersted in serius sam 3 bfe for left for dead 2
killahcrackrock162: not really
NotSoFast: i am not sure what will happen if i give the key first
NotSoFast: i cant trust people since i got scammed
killahcrackrock162: but the thing is you have 0 reputation and that screenshot isn't very convincing
killahcrackrock162: on the other hand i'm sitting here with the gift ready to be sent
NotSoFast: did you go to second second image on the link i sent you
killahcrackrock162: yes i did and looks like you fell for a guy who is impersonating someone else, i on the other hand am not impersonating anyone
NotSoFast: no i didnt fell for it this guy had +20 rep on forum so i trusted him and gave the key first and boom got blocked i paid lots of money for this keys i cant take chance to lose 1 more..
NotSoFast: so not going first sorry
killahcrackrock162: alright
killahcrackrock162: sent
killahcrackrock162: now don't fuck me over
NotSoFast: checking
NotSoFast: thx sending you the key
killahcrackrock162: well?
killahcrackrock162: oh come on man , my heart is racing :D
killahcrackrock162: fuck man
killahcrackrock162: Are you fucking serious?
killahcrackrock162: motherfucker

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.