Hy. As you see in the title I have Dota 2 keys to sell. I`m looking only for people with (high) rep on steamtrades. I can get more if I need.

I have a local store. All you need to know about me, you can find on my blog: http://officialsteamkeystrader.wordpress.com
If you want something, post here, don`t add me directly.I decide if I will trade with you or not.

About the PayPal,you must specify:
•you are sending money to family or friends;
•you will pay the fee, if exists one;
•and you have to put a note in PayPal description: ”This is payment for virtual items(Add your items here) for my account (Add Your Steam ID64 Here) I will not charge-back whatsoever and certified that this PayPal account is mine.”
** You must have an VERIFIED ACCOUNT.

I sell keys in small amounts.The minimum quantity is 3 keys, maximum is 5, because for beginning I need to build my rep on this site.

1 decade ago*

1,55$ each,if you are interessted add me !

1 decade ago

I-m sorry but I can-t give them at that price, because my profit will be with -

1 decade ago

but at the moment i get tf2 keys for 1,75$ and when you look in the market for d2 keys...they are very cheap right now

1 decade ago

I didn-t looked in the market...I never saw k at that price on market :)) , but I don`t keep a fix difference of price between the market and me. And about the TF2 keys, I don-t know nothing, because I never traded items of TF2. From what I know, the price for a D2 and TF2 keys should be = , right?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.